In November, Vote NO on the largest, most expensive regional housing bond in U.S. history – Vote NO on Regional Measure 4. The $20 BILLION of BONDS that will cost over $48 BILLION, including interest, is being requested by the BAY AREA HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY (“BAHFA”). This bloated bureaucracy was created in 2019, with no history of expertise in housing, and it wants to spend your money as its pilot project.
BAHFA is one of the many faces of the METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION (‘MTC”), uses the same San Francisco facilities and has the same non-elected officer. But it has neither built nor financed a single house or apartment building.
Regional Measure 4 will be on the November 5, 2024, ballot for five million voters in the nine counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. The TOTAL vote of all nine counties will determine whether the BAHFA bond passes. So it is possible that every voter in your county could vote against it and yet the combined votes of two larger counties — who would get the most benefit — could impose the BAHFA bond on you. No county can “opt out.” EVERY ‘NO’ VOTE MATTERS.